Monday, November 29, 2010

What's in a name?

I just thought this was cool :-)

I got a few different definitions of "Melinda" (they never have Mel(y)nda), but then I decided to go with how I actually got my name - my parents combined their sisters names of Melody and Lynda to get Melynda. I thought it best to just go with those :)

Melynda: (Melody + Lynda) Song-Like and Beautiful

Maree: Bitter Sea

Timothy: To Honor God

Peter: Rock

Jesus is Greater

This next week marks the 2 year anniversary that started me on this journey of anxiety, struggle, peace, and trusting God and seeing Him in a new light, like nothing I have experienced before. It is as though I have experienced more pain, and more joy than I ever have in my entire life.

Maybe that is the point.

Recently, I found a notebook of my "auto-biography" that I wrote in 8th grade. Since I've been at counseling, I've learned how a lot of past experiences have shaped who I am today, or at least how I respond to crisis. The focus is not to blame parents, friends, relatives, past experiences, etc.... or somehow shift the blame off of myself. I can and do take full responsibility for as much as possible (obviously certain circumstances are out of my control, but my response is within my control). The point is to look back in my past and see how certain things have shaped me. I used to never think that our past could define us, at least not if we didn't let it. But that is just simply not true. To say that we are not effected by our past experiences is to diminish who we are and the world around us! We are in a fallen world, of course we are going to feel the effects of it!

Anyways, back to my auto-biography. For the assignment I was asked to describe both good and bad memories. I was surprised at how honest I was in the paper. My best memories included times spent with friends, etc... but when it came to my worst memories, I had all but forgotten about it until I read it. And all the pain and sadness flooded back. I felt my cheeks get hot as I read it.

It was a memory from 6th grade. I was 12 years old. It was a time in my life when I did feel more anxious than other times. I had just come off of a year (5th grade) where 2 friends (my age) died suddenly, and a principle/teacher I was close to (I illustrated a book for her that she wrote about children's cancer) also passed away. Anyways, maybe it was the effect of that that caused me to get a few panic attacks. Either way, it may not even have a cause but it was a year that I felt more anxious than normal. Throughout the course of the year, there were 3 instances where I called my mom to pick me up and take me home because I wasn't feeling good (panicky). I had a teacher that year who was inappropriate on so many levels (she had her husband come in and talk while we were going through FLASH - the notoriously awkward sex ed that everyone has to go through). She also had favorites, and unfortunately I was not one of them. She would tease students in front of the class (I say this not because I necessarily got the worst of it, but I saw her do it to several other students). At the end of the year we had a party where our parents/families were invited - there was dessert, hang out, games, and we got awards presented to us at the end.

Here is where my worst memory took place. Most kids in the class received accolades like "Most likely to succeed", "Most athletic", etc... it was my understanding that this was an encouraging event. Anyways, it got to my turn and my teacher decided to do something different. She invited Shelby (a boy, maybe he was bitter because he had a girl name, who knows) up to present it to me. He had harassed me several times throughout the year, was suspended at one point, and was a frequent flier to the principle's office. My teacher was fully aware of this. So he came up to the front of 100+ people including my classmates and their families and other teachers.

He presented the award to me.

The award was "I want to call my mommy award!"

It took all of me not to burst into tears as everyone else laughed.

I made myself walk up and take it, and run away. My ears turned bright red. My face was hot. My eyes were holding back the floodgates. 

Didn't my teacher know that I was only 12 years old? That I only called my mother 3 times that year to take me home? Didn't she know that it was because I felt as though I would have a panic attack? Didn't she know I was vulnerable and fragile?

Whether she did or not, it doesn't matter. The Lord did, I just didn't know it yet.

There are a few things that are important about this. First of all, I feel the love of the Lord surround me as I remember that day. Just a few weeks ago we were talking about this specific incidence in counseling, although without the details. We just talked about how there was a certain stress I felt in 6th grade but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. All I knew is that it involved being humiliated by my teacher. 

Here is where I take responsibility, and here is where a fallen person- child - tried to deal with a hurtful situation:

-I hated her, but I was mostly hurt.
-I decided that I could not be vulnerable (i.e. share struggles with others) because I wouldn't be considered "normal" and I would be humiliated.
-I decided that I had to keep stress to myself.
-I decided that I needed to explain myself/defend myself when no explanation was needed.

This event planted seeds of lies straight from the pit of hell that lingered in the back of my mind for years, to this day. When I came to meet Jesus a few years later, I did love Him. But I was so weak/naive in my faith that I just assumed everything would be okay from here on out. I sort of pushed these lies farther into the back of my mind without actually bringing them to the light and exposing them for the lies that they are. 

Until Fall/Winter 2008. 

I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst panic attack of my life. My body was not in my control, my heart was racing and I was short of breath and I couldn't calm myself down. I was in the dorms at Central and I felt out of control. I couldn't wake my roommate up because I didn't know how she would respond (what a lie! she had anxiety problems and took medicine for it!), and I barely made myself call Tim to pray for me. So I am in the struggle of my life and I'm trying to be quite so as not to wake my sleeping roommate! Because I chose to believe that no one could see me at my weakest. 

I went months living in misery and not seeking help because I figured that I could beat anxiety by myself, that I didn't need others. I didn't know if it would help anyways. I was always the strong one, I had put the pressure on myself to carry the world on my shoulders.

But it was subtle.

Sin has a way of sneaking into our lives without us noticing, until there is nothing we can do about it (on our own, but NOTHING is impossible with God). 

I don't claim to know exactly why I started struggling with anxiety other than it should not have taken me off guard because we live in a world that is fallen. Disease, illness, bad things plague all of us. How naive of me to think that I was immune to this! It is true that in Christ, I am no longer a slave to sin, that I am freed up to love Him and no longer submit to sin. That is absolute truth! But that doesn't change the fact that the effects of sin are very much real and very much all around us. Both the wicked and righteous can and will suffer, or can and will succeed, the Bible says. 

The fact of the matter is that we chose sin and we are experiencing the consequences. That is not to say that any hurt, pain, struggle I face is a direct result of my sin (i.e. God punishing me). Jesus took my punishment on the cross so my sin has already been paid for. But we all chose sin, Jesus is the one who chose us, and that is more powerful than any effects that we deal with.


In the past few weeks, our world has been a little bit shaken, up heaved from where we were just months ago.

We moved.

We lost a friend.

We took on more responsibility than we ever thought we'd have to.

The Lord is Good.

As I reflect on the last few weeks, I feel as though my mind has been all over the place.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Weight of Everything

So much has gone on since I last wrote in this blog. I think with the craziness of moving, being in a place of transition, and moving again, life has kinda been up in the air and I haven't felt much like writing. Mostly because I didn't know what to write about. I've been processing a lot of things internally for the past few months - which is good - but I find that it is more helpful for  me to process my thoughts "out loud". 

So quick update on our life: We moved out of our apartment at the end of our lease in July. Back in April we put an offer on a short sale/pre-forclosure house and decided that as we waited (and waited... and waited) we should move in with my parents. That way, if the house worked out, we weren't tied to a lease, and if it didn't work out we could just sign another lease or look for another house.

Finally, at the beginning of Sept. things started moving forward. We got approval from the bank and starting working with our mortgage agent to get all of our finances in order. Seriously.... I'm surprised that they didn't want blood samples or our first born child after all of the information we had to give them! But our agent was awesome and it made the whole process MUCH smoother. 

So, here we are. We officially became home-owners on Sept. 24, started moving and painting on the 25th, and spent our first night in our house on the 26th. A year ago I would have never thought we would be where we are right now, but I am enjoying it and trusting God in the meantime!

What a time of growth... even in the past couple weeks. I've really felt like I've been learning more about the Lord and how I interact with Him. It's been a time for me to delve deeper into my relationship with Him and more things are coming to light. 

Ah, but with growth there also comes growing pains. In my mind I've been trying to reconcile all of these stresses in my life - will I ever be ok? (is that not the question that is on so many people's hearts? For me this is in regards to my anxiety, but you can just fill in the blank), will I be able to have children/be a good parent?, etc.... These things that weigh heavy on my heart come from the same anxious source: all of the weight and responsibility rests on me.

At community group last night we talked about the Holy Spirit. Oftentimes in churches there is two extremes: manipulating the Holy Spirit into looking like a crazed person ("be healed!"), or tragic neglect. Both of which feed off of each other and we have yet to find that balanced, true, experience of the Holy Spirit. What does the Bible say about the Holy Spirit? He is our Helper, our Counselor. He gives us the ability and power to do things that we would otherwise not be able to do. He enables us to love Jesus, trust  Him, and bring glory to Him. He is our strength.

Going back to everything resting on my shoulders, this is something that I feel like I have wrestled with my whole life. I always feel that in some way it is my responsibility to manipulate the circumstances, for myself or others. What I mean by that is that I want to be the peace maker. When others are going through a hard time, I feel like it's my responsibility to be the strong one. It is as if I feel like I need to be the Holy Spirit in the lives of others - whether it is through manipulation or false sense of strength. 

What a wrong way of thinking! It is not up to me! And there is freedom in that! On the way home from community group last night I was telling Tim about all of these worries that are going through my mind. A big worry on my heart is that I feel like I have in some way let Tim down because I am not ready to have children yet (in large part, I think, because of my anxiety). He stopped me and said that my anxiety is not more powerful than God. In my mind I have this idea that we probably would already be pregnant if it were not for my anxiety. But the truth is - regardless of our circumstances we would not be pregnant! If God wanted a person in the world right now, it would happen. Do you see the freedom in that? IT DOES NOT REST OR DEPEND ON ME! What a beautiful truth! 

This is just one example of that in my life as a means of explanation, but it is true none the less. Now it is just a matter of connecting the truth with my emotions and feelings. The lies that I believe in my life - I believe them because they feel true. There may be (and usually is) no shred of truth, reason, or logic to them, but they feel true so I let them dictate my life. Oh Lord, please rescue me from this!

Holy Spirit,
I need You. I invite you to be my Helper, be my Counselor. Will you give me the strength that I need today? I fall on you. My heart is so heavy with all of these burdens that I call responsibilities, that mask themselves as love. Worrying for myself and others is not love. Bring my fears into the light so that I can have freedom. So that I can not be a slave to them anymore. In the name of Jesus I command that these lies leave me, that I stop believing them - that in their place I would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Help me to rest in You - to know that You are the only one big enough for the task of carrying the burdens of the world. I am not. And rather than crumbling in my fears, I pray that this realization brings me freedom to love you. Release these chains that weigh so heavily on me. Surround me with your love, strength, and power. I pray that I would have peace that goes beyond all understanding. Help me to trust that you only give GOOD gifts - and that you are trustworthy! Holy Spirit, thank you as you answer these prayers even as I type. Help me to have endurance. I love you.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sweet sound to my ears

I fell in love with this song at church on Sunday

I fell more in love with Jesus through this song on Sunday.

Before the Throne of God Above

Before the throne of God above,
I have a strong and perfect plea.
A great High Priest whose name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.

My name is graven on His hands!
My name is written on His heart!
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

When satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within.
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin

Because a sinless Savior died
my sinful soul is counted free!
For God the Just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.
To look on Him and pardon me.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the One, Risen Son of God!

Behold Him there the Risen Lamb
My perfect, spotless righteousness!
The Great Unchangable I AM
The King of Glory and of Grace
The King of Glory and of Grace

One in Himself I cannot die,
My soul is purchased by His blood,
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ my Savior and my God
With Christ my Savior and my God

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Lord is Good

As I reflect on the past couple of weeks, I thought about titling this blog post "Lost in Transition" as we are right in the midst of transition.

The place we are living at is not our home. We moved out of our apartment at the end of our lease, and in doing so put all of our eggs in the proverbial "lets buy a house" basket. Over the course of the last year our plans have changed so much, we went back and forth on whether or not we should invest in a house, where we should live, and what job(s) to have. One thing led to another and we put an offer down on a house back in April, of which we are still waiting to hear back on. It is a short sale, which means it takes a loooonnngg time. The name is truly misleading. 

Either way, we have been waiting since then. Even since then our plans have changed! But God remains the same. And for that I am eternally thankful.

Things have changed, things are always changing. I've heard it said that the only constant thing in life is change. That is very true, but the only exception to that is Jesus. He never changes. 

[hmm, the only exception to most things is Jesus]

God is good. He is good, He has always been good, and He will always be good. And yet why do I even doubt or question that He has it under control? I was anxious about moving into my parents bonus room/apartment over their garage as we wait to hear back on the house. What will people think of us? And why the heck are we back in Maple Valley? Although that specific worry has seemed to be quickly taken care of. Since we've moved back I feel like I'm discovering Maple Valley all over again, I don't feel like I'm going back to this place of intense familiarity. 

Other thoughts weigh me down: what about our community group? We have fallen in love with the community that God has blessed us, we enjoyed a great year of living in a wonderful area, close to good friends, and a great church. God used a lot of the time there to grow me - He provided me with a wonderful group of women that I got to meet with for Bible Study every Thursday. I also had a great time of prayer with a friend every Monday. I received great joy from those times, and it was also a time where I was able to be real and I trusted that the women would point me back to Jesus. 

So, I worry. 

I worry about whether or not we can or should stay at that community group now that we are 25 min away. But at the same time, God blessed me with them in the first place during a time that I missed the community back at Central. Not only that, but He allowed us to move during a time (summer) when the Thursday morning Bible study was taking a break, so I didn't need to feel left out. Sweet things like that remind me of our Creator's goodness - He cares about every intricate detail and never changes.

I matter to God.

Not because of anything that I have done.

But because of everything that He has.

So, I will not worry.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I wonder...

Have you ever found yourself asking the question:

How did I get here?

Ok, ok. Not as in, like, "where do babies come from?" question, or even in a negative tone ("how did I get to this place that I don't want to be?"), but truly just reflecting on your life leading up to this moment.

So, how did I get here?

I mean, it feels like just yesterday I was just starting at CWU, and just a couple of weeks ago Tim and I celebrated our first year of marriage! In the last year, our plans have changed on several occasions. I go back and look through previous blog postings to see our "plans" and I have to laugh because nearly none of them came to fruition! But, I would have it no other way.

It was not my plan to move 5 times my senior year at CWU/first few months of marriage. Nor was it my plan to have worked 3 jobs since then (one of which wasn't paid, and another one of which being my own cake decorating business... what the heck?!), have Tim work 2 different jobs and take an EMT class, decide to put an offer on a house, move into my parents garage apartment until the house stuff gets finalized.... it's so crazy! At so many different times in the past year we've had plans. Plans to buy a house in a different area, plans to not buy one and rent someplace closer to Tim's work (Federal Way area), plans to not go to Mars Hill, plans to being deeply rooted in a wonderful community group through Mars Hill, plans to buy a car, plans to keep our cars, plans for me to get another job, plans for me to start my own business.

I always think I have it figured out, or rather, I always feel like I need to have it figured out! Like I always need an answer to those around me - parents, family, friends - as to what our plans our.

What are our plans to have children? What are your plans for your business? What do you have in mind for a future job? When is Tim going to become a firefighter? How are you going to buy a house and be smart with money? When is that degree of yours going to pay off? Do you think you'll still go to the same church and community group if you move? How much longer do you think Tim will work at his current job?

Why is it that we put this pressure on ourselves to have all these plans laid out before us and determine our own steps? Yes, absolutely, it is good to have goals! But plans... ahhh plans.... you're a whole other category.

Is it not okay to just be comfortable resting in the state of not having plans? Of course it is! If I have learned anything this past year, it is that having no plans is the safest place to be! If we loosen our death grip on those "plans" of ours, we are much more likely to trust and follow where God's leading, and I'm sure it will be a much smoother process.

I almost feel like when we set out plans for ourselves, we are trusting our own judgment above God's. Like, yes God, you created the universe and everything in it, you created our inmost beings, you know us inside and out. Oh, and whats that? You know what will happen with our lives and - am I hearing You right - that You have a plan for us? Oh, well, actually, we have these other plans... so I think we'll just stick with those and hope that you steer us where we need to go, bless our plans and all that.

Really?! Who do we think we are coming to God like that? I do it all the time.

Needless to say, I'm not quite sure how I got here, but one thing I am sure: God carried me the whole way, and He is going to keep on carrying Tim and I through.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Whats on my heart

Pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord

Lamentations 2:19

I called on Your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea, "Do not close Your ears to my cry for relief". You came near when I called You, and You said, "Do not fear". O Lord, You took up my case, You redeemed my life.
Lementations 3:55-58

by Tenth Avenue North

I know I need You
I need to love You
I love to see You, but it's been so long
I long to feel You
I feel this need for You
And I need to hear You, is that so wrong?

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.

Now You pull me near You
When we're close, I fear You
Still I'm afraid to tell You, all that I've done
Are You done forgiving?
Oh can You look past my pretending?
Lord, I'm so tired of defending, what I've become
What have I become?

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.

I hear You say,
"My love is over. It's underneath.
It's inside. It's in between.
The times you doubt Me, when you can't feel.
The times that you question, 'Is this for real? '
The times you're broken.
The times that you mend.
The times that you hate Me, and the times that you bend.
Well, My love is over, it's underneath.
It's inside, it's in between.
These times you're healing, and when your heart breaks.
The times that you feel like you're falling from grace.
The times you're hurting.
The times that you heal.
The times you go hungry, and are tempted to steal.
The times of confusion, in chaos and pain.
I'm there in your sorrow, under the weight of your shame.
I'm there through your heartache.
I'm there in the storm.
My love I will keep you, by My pow'r alone.
I don't care where you fall, where you have been.
I'll never forsake you, My love never ends.
It never ends."

Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.
Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh.

Monday, June 28, 2010

This is what I seek

Psalm 27

The Lord is my light and my salvation-
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold  of my life - 
of whom shall I be afraid?
When evil men advance against me
to devour my flesh,
when my enemies and my foes attack me,
they will stumble and fall.
Though an army besiege me,
my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
even then will I be confident.

One thing I ask of the Lord,
this is what I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to seek Him in His temple.
For in the day of trouble
He will keep me safe in His dwelling;
He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle
and set me high upon a rock.
Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord.

Hear my voice when I call, O Lord;
be merciful to me and answer me.
My heart says of you, "Seek His face!"
Your face, Lord, I will seek.
Do not hide Your face from me,
do not turn your servant away in anger;
you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
O God my Savior.
Though my father and mother forsake me,
the Lord will receive me.
Teach me Your way, O Lord;
lead me in a straight path because of my oppressors.
Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
for false witness rise up against me, breathing out violence.

I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Ebenezers

"Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, 'Thus far the LORD has helped us'." - 1 Samuel 7:12

Here are my Ebenezers, in no particular order, just listed as words/short sentences:

  • Our wedding
  • Lakemont
  • Cum Laude
  • Dentist appointment
  • Job/Chiropractor
  • Freeways
  • Lake Tahoe
  • Anniversary
  • Port Ludlow
Here I raise my Ebenezer, here by Thy great help I've come. And I hope by Thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. He to rescue me from danger interposed His precious blood.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anxiety Wisdom

Anxiety according to Mark Driscoll:

"Anxiety is anticipating the future in the worst possible scenario and freaking out about it. You think you're a prophet, but your a prophet of doom, and you're usually wrong."

Friday, May 21, 2010

"I always knew I loved her, I always knew I wanted her"

Those were the words that I just read in an online article posted about a couple who had celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. They got to stay another night there, the last time being their wedding night, for the same price as 1950 - $26!!! (It now goes for $600-800 per night).

Prices aside, when the husband spoke of his wife and how they met when they were 12, grew up together, and he finally got it together to go after her when he returned from the war at age 22. He spoke tenderly of his wife and of his childhood sweetheart; "I always knew I loved her. I always knew I wanted her".

What a tender statement. I will repeat it so we can let it sink in.

"I always knew I loved her. I always knew I wanted her"

Going on the same path as my previous post, how deeply does this speak to the heart of a woman? I mean, who does not want to be told by their beloved that you have always been loved, always been wanted.

On a marriage note, I believe that this is the longing of everyone's heart. Tears welled up as I read those words, wanting those words to be true of me when Tim and I have been married 30, 40, 50, 60 years..... When Tim speaks to me in that way, or rather, speaks of me in that way, I know I am where I am supposed to be. I am safe, I am loved, and I am wanted, even needed.

How much more does God feel this way about us! About me. Those words pierced my heart as I read them because I felt like God was speaking those words to me.

God was whispering in my ear, "I always knew that I loved you, I always knew that I wanted you"

I am just sitting here (there was quite a long pause between that above statement and what I am writing now), soaking in that fact, in that love. Think about how glorious that love is! I am overwhelmed...

The earth was nothingness, void. God began creating, creating this beautiful place, with the culmination of his creation being us - humans, made to reflect His image.

I was not even a thought, a dream. My parents didn't exist, nothing that would be around while I lived existed. No one was thinking of me, thinking of my life, thinking of the future... But God was. God had me in mind when He created the world. Do you know how intimately He cares for you and I? His thoughts about me (and all of us) outnumber the grains of sand in the whole world, the Bible says. Before I was born I was loved, I was chosen, I was wanted. God had me in mind and when He thought of me, He knew that He always loved me, that He always wanted me.

I feel Him whisper that to me even now. As I was being formed in my mothers womb, I imagine Him speaking to me, before I even knew who He was, telling me that very statement, "Melynda, I am so glad you are here. I always knew that I loved you, I always knew that I wanted you."

And the tears come. Jesus you are so good! I am so unworthy, undeserving, and unable to bring myself out of my hopeless position. Thank you for always loving me, always wanting me.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Lord knows I'm no expert in this area, but I've just been reflecting on the past *almost* year that Tim and I have had together. There has been ups and downs, good days and bad days, but by God's grace He has brought us closer together and given me a glimpse of how Jesus loves me.

I don't know if my eyes have just been opened to it more since we've been married, but I have seen God provide in ways that I could never imagine. I could list on and on all of that ways that remind me that God is a good Dad, He is good to His children. He cares INTIMATELY in ways that I can never imagine! His kindness is irresistable... and yet I continue to resist it. I have this continual inner struggle a la Roman's 7:

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate to do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. (vs. 15-16)

But, alas, this is every sinner's struggle. And that is one thing I have learned since we've been married: two sinners do not make a perfect marriage - but by God's grace we can grow to be more like Him. But then again, marriage was never about us in the first place.

There is this ideal swimming around out there in fantasy world that marriage solves all problems. This is simply not true! I remember one of the strangest feelings after our wedding: I felt exactly the same as I did pre-marriage. I was still Melynda. Unique to myself in that I had my own way of doing things, own struggles, own sins, own talents, own joys. My ears were still uneven, my hair didn't curl quite the way I wanted it every day, and I still had stubby toes. Although now, an incredible and unexplainable thing happened: I was now one with another human with his own struggles, sins, talents, joys. How could anything be as beautiful as that? God joining two souls together so to make this journey less lonely, to bring Him glory, and to help each other be more like Jesus.

Another thing that we are striving to learn more is how to love each other. The Bible says that husbands should love their wives just as Christ loves the church, and wives should submit to their husbands. I never really understood this, what this entailed. I think in my mind I had this picture that Tim had to just love me, and I had to submit to all the decisions he made. How little credit we give God and the Bible!

When we really look and see how Christ loves us, we see something radical: He died for us. He has covered us with His blood. He took up our sins, when we were still sinners, in effect taking the responsibility that we should have paid but couldn't. He delights in us! He loves us! He is so in love with us, He compares Himself to a mother hen, a fierce warrior, and a madly in love bridegroom. Hosea says it perfectly when, in response to our sin and adulterousness, God woo's us! He brings us out into the desert, away from it all, and sings to us. He calls us "Sought After":

As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you.
-Isaiah 62:5

They will be called the Holy People, the Redeemed of the LORD; and you will be called Sought After, the City No Longer Deserted.
-Isaiah 62:12

Do you see what He does there? He calls us Sought After! I don't believe more beautiful words could be spoken - God is pursuing you! Especially to the ears of a woman, how precious it is to know that we are sought after, no longer deserted!

And this, my friends, is how Jesus wants our husbands to love us. Yes, they can and will fail. But, day by day, the Holy Spirit will stir their hearts and encourage them on, giving them strength to be more like Him.

I read a Don Miller book one time, "Searching for God Knows What" (love it!) and he wrote a chapter on what it could have been like for Adam and Eve. Adam broke out in poetry when he first saw his Eve. Don painted a picture of what it must have been like for Adam - taking walks with God in the garden, both of them talking about Eve and how great it was to know her. Delighting in the creation that God had made, the crown of which being woman.

I am not at all saying that women are in anyway superior to men. Not at all! We are all absolutely equal, although I am trying to communicate some facts that are usually left unnoticed or ignored. I remember there being a time, even in my christian community, feeling like I couldn't count on another man to step in if I needed help. Yes, absolutely I had Tim! and I was intensely grateful for that. But what I am getting at is I felt surrounded by "men" who belittled women, considering themselves higher because they had a penis. Really, people?! If that's what makes you think you're strong I'd like to see you try and push a watermelon out of that thing and see how it feels. I think only married men with children can understand how much the proverbial balls it takes for some of the things women need to do.

*stepping off my soap box* ahem. Back to my point. God has given women a very specific role, a description if you will, that is only ever used elsewhere in the Bible to describe God. The term is Ezer, meaning helper.

Oh, helper. What a seemingly whimpy description. What comes to mind? Hamburger helper, if you must know.

But oh no, that is not what God meant. Elsewhere in the Bible the term is ascribed to God as being our military alliance, help to Israel. Now, that packs some much deeper meaning. We are our husbands military allies in life!

All I can do is speak to my own experience and that to which God has given us in the Bible. God has richly blessed me with Tim. I know that we have had and will continue to have our struggles, but I find safety in him. Not apart from God, but because of God. I know that I am cared for, I have seen Tim metaphorically lay his life down for me on more than one occasion. I love being near him. With our schedules being as crazy as they have been lately, I feel spoiled when we get an afternoon together.

So, with that being said, we are coming up on 1 month til our first anniversary. Crazy as it is, I am wonderfully stuck in a paradox of being unable to wait for our future together & loving where we are at.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

If His grace is an ocean we're all sinking....

These words are beautiful, I love the lyrics to "How He Loves" By David Crowder Band.

"He is jealous for me. His love like a hurricane I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy. When all of the sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great Your affections are for me! Oh how He loves us, oh! Oh, how He loves us, how He loves us, oh!"

This, my friends, is what a true worship song looks like. Praising Jesus for who He is! For recognizing that His love and mercy and salvation have absolutely nothing to do with us. He LOVES us! Not because we did anything to deserve it, but because HE is great. What a mental picture: "If His grace is an ocean we're all sinking". How overwhelming is God's love! It overtakes us, surrounds us, carries us, saves us. We can do nothing but let it wash over us as we drown in His love, as we surrender control and let the hurricane of His love breathe over us and we twist and turn in His uncontrollable, wild, fierce love for us!

Another song that has spoken to my heart is "Your love is a song" by Switchfoot

"The stars are falling out, my dreams are fading now, fading out. I've been keeping my eyes wide open. I've been keeping my eyes wide open. Oh Your love is a symphony all around me, running through me. Oh Your love is a melody underneath me, running into me. Oh your love is a song! Your love is my remedy!"

I have been hearing so many "Christian" worship songs that seem to be all about us, all about what is going on in our life, how we can feel better about ourselves, etc... And while there is a time and place for that, at the heart of worship, we are saying that it is all about God. All we can do is praise Him for who He is!

Lately I've been struggling with making my life all about myself... turning Jesus into Santa Claus and just making requests for Him to fulfill, as though that is how a relationship works! What if that's how I interacted with Tim? "Hey Tim, nice to see you, I would like ____________, ___________, and ___________." and then get disappointed when things don't go my way? Are we as christians really that spoiled?

I have been. I have even been looking to Tim to fill these needs in my life instead of God. How easy it is to keep our eyes focused on what is tangible and right in front of us. God, where are you in the struggles, the hurt, the pain? He is right there, sovereign over it, in control of it, and intimately near to it.

How distracted I get when I am more into myself and my own life than God. It is so easy to settle for nothing-ness when I am missing out on the greatest something-ness. I still bind myself to things that allow me to not experience and enjoy my freedom in Christ. I am free! Praise Jesus for giving me that freedom because He loves me. He chose me.

"Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, or a husband's will, but born of God." -John 1:12-13

How amazing is this! What a promise it is! God chose you to be born - feeling unloved by family? God wanted you! His power goes above and beyond a parents decision, He wanted you! To wrap my mind around this beautiful truth is amazing - God wanted me! He does want me! This is something that I want to be continually on my heart, especially when Tim and I end up having kids - Jesus wants them and it is up to Him!

There is so much freedom in surrendering control because I know with all my heart that God will not let us down - His calling IS enabling. He has lavished His love on us! Let me be clear, this is not dependent on life circumstances. His love is not dependent on how good or bad things are going in our lives. It makes no sense to me when preachers and christians promise a good life and that God wants the best for His children - which, of course, means He wants us to drive around in SUV's with spinners and keep all our money to ourselves (that is, unless they tell us that God promised to give us money if we give them all of our money). The Bible is so clear on that: Jesus promises trial, hurt, suffering, and hardships for His name! If only preachers like that would look to the Bible and pay close attention to early christians - they were all pretty much killed! They lived out the rest of their lives in unbelievable hardships, knowing that their true reward was in Heaven. That alone is enough evidence to convince us of the truth of Jesus.

When everything is stripped away, all that is left is God. He so intimately loves us, loves me - and I have been denying it and running away. Not outright, but in my heart - doing just enough to get by. But God didn't do that for us! He didn't just love us enough to get us by - He died for us!!! He loves us with an intense, passionate, amazing love!

Oh, How he loves us!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Claiming truth!

Philippians 3:20-21, 4:1, 4-9

But our citizenship is in heaven.
This is not our home – if I feel out of place, it is for my benefit so that I long for heaven to be with Jesus.

And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control...
He CAN and DOES bring everything under HIS control. I cannot control what goes on in my life, but the Bible cleary states that Jesus can. He is in control of everything and I can surrender control to Him because He is faithful and trustworthy.

…will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body. Therefore, my brothers, you whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, that is how you should stand firm in the Lord, dear friends!
I should live like I believe these things! I can stand firm in the Lord because He is good, He is in control, He is loving, and He is mighty. And because He gives joy!

Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!
No matter the circumstances, rejoice! When I don’t see God, when I don’t feel Him, when I think He is distant, wait on Him and rejoice in Him! I am supposed to have joy in the Lord – my relationship with Him is not one of blind, forceful submission with no joy – it is absolutely fulfilling and joyful!

Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
This says the Lord is NEAR, not far. I take this to mean two things: The Lord is coming soon so we must let our gentleness be evident to all so that more may come to know Him, and that He is near – His presence. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us, in me! Nothing is more near than that!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
How great is our God that in His provision He includes this passage in the Bible, reminding His children that we don’t need to worry, we shouldn’t worry, and in the following verses He even tells us how to defeat worry. He knew that we, that I, would struggle with this and He made sure that we knew He knows our struggles. How great is His love!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent and praiseworthy – think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Think about such things – I used to read this portion and think that we should think about things that other people would find praise worthy or admirable about ourselves. As in “Look at that Christian, let us praise him for being so admirable in his thoughts”. But I think that it is actually thinking about things that bring praise to God. Think about things that we can praise God for, things that He has done in our life, how lovely He is, how deep His love for us is. Amen!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Gerald

Dear Gerald,

I have never met you, but I have heard a lot about you. You are a newly admitted resident at my husband's work (nursing home) and I have been praying for you. Just a few weeks ago you met my husband when, out of God's providential grace, you decided to switch lunch tables to hear more about the conversation my husband was having with another Christian lady about Jesus.

You had a lot of questions, honest questions. Tim said it sounded as though you had never even heard about God and Jesus, as though your eyes were being opened for the first time. One question I found humorous was when you asked with concern, "If I become a Christian, will I have to vote Republican?". No, Gerald, you won't. And at 92, being politically active is clearly something you still care about. You don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, so 2012 better watch out.

I am so overjoyed and excited when Tim called me this afternoon to let me know that you had made the decision to follow Christ. You may not realize this, but God is celebrating and rejoicing over you right now! One of His children has come back to Him! The Bible says that God would leave 99 of his 'sheep' to find the 1 that was lost. You were lost, but now you are found! God and his angels are partying it up right now because you are deeply loved and pursued!

I think as time goes on you may develop questions [How easy it is to just cling to Jesus in the beginning and then doubts, guilt, and worry fill our minds]. You may even regret choices you made in the past, the fact that you went 92 years without Jesus, without truly living. But take heart friend, Jesus has already rescued you. His blood has covered your sins and you are forgiven. You may not have had much time in this lifetime to spend with God, but you have an eternity where you get to spend it praising Jesus and getting to know Him better. It is never too late.

But know this - as a Christian, you are a new creation! "If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17. This means that now there are new things that are true of you:

-You are fiercely loved by God. "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you" -Isaiah 46:4
-You have been adopted into God's family! You are a "child born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, or a husbands will,  but born of God." - John 1:13
-Your future is secure - your treasure is now in Heaven.
-Even though you are in a nursing home, you life is now given adventure, love, purpose, and meaning. I say that because just because you are in a nursing home doesn't mean your life is over, but it is just beginning!
-Your life is hidden with Christ - He has covered you and your sins are forgiven.
-You can delight yourself in God!
-You are free!

My prayer is that you would enjoy your relationship with God, let Him delight in you, and continue to soak up his ever word. No matter how much time God gives you, never lose your first love - Jesus. Writing this to you has been healing, and convicting for me, as I have struggled with losing my first love as I get distracted by so many things that never compare to the surpassing greatness of getting to know Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is precious, and my prayer is that you would experience it to the fullest.

Your sister in Christ,


Friday, February 19, 2010


Today has made me look back to some of my past experiences and I remember all to well the pain and fear associated with tragedy.

I woke up this morning to a call from my mom - one of my brother's friends died last night.

And it was seemingly random - what we're hearing is that it was probably a blood clot and it sounds like it went to her lung. Mark talked with her yesterday before she went to the hospital. He says it hasn't hit him yet.

I understand.

When I was in elementary school two girls that I was friends with both passed away in the same year. Fourth grade. One had cancer, but seemed to be doing well, the other was totally random. I even had a friend in high school, when I was Mark's age, die in a car accident and I had class with him. I had known him since I was 5 and all of the sudden he wasn't there.

I think back to when I was in Fourth grade, how much those events thoroughly rocked my world - I had experienced a lot of death in the family, but those were adults, not kids the same age as me, or younger. I didn't know Jesus yet and so in my fragile mind I coped by anxiety. I guess that really isn't copping, but it was how I responded. I thought that surely the same thing could, and would, happen to me. I became ultra sensitive to any "symptoms" I experienced - I remember checking my eyes almost every night because I was told that you could tell if you had a brain injury by how your eyes reacted (one of the girls died of a random, unseen, brain injury) - but I didn't even know what to look for.

It's sad, really. My heart breaks for my younger self. I know that may seem weird, but what I mean is that I didn't have the comfort that comes alone from Jesus, and I was broken, trying to figure things out on my own.

Oh how this must be how God sees all of us. Like little children running after things, hiding in fear, not knowing what will come next, and trying to do things on our own that we clearly don't have the strength to handle. How much His heart must break to see us trying to cling to things for comfort when only He offers true peace and safety.

You could say that anxiety runs in my family - over-thinkers, worriers, and circumstances that have left scars run deep. To be honest, I don't remember a time in my life where worry was not there, even when I was younger. My parents have told me that even when I was little I would always have "What if" questions running through my mind.

The tendency of anxiety runs in my family, but it does not define who I am, let me be clear. I am not anxious, I struggle with anxiety and the temptation to worry about the future so that I may be better prepared rather than run to God knowing that He holds the very future in His hands.

That being said, as much as I hope against it, I believe that when we have kids some day we will come across one of them struggling with anxiety as a little kid. I can't wait for the day where I can teach them how to pray and surrender that to Jesus, how He comforts them and will never let them down. Yes, tragedy happens, but nothing surprises Jesus. That they can grow up in the comfort of knowing that their Savior has them and will never let them go. And that is a peace that I long for, that I can have.

Lately I have been neglecting my relationship with God. But it has been to my own downfall. My days have been mediocre when they could have brought glory to God and joy to my life. I struggle toward trusting God, even when I know that He has never let me down.

So I will trust Him. I will run to Him because only He offers peace and fulfillment.