Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Lately I have been struggling with the circumstances of life, and I've noticed that rather than enjoying life, I'm choosing to just get through it. It's as though I am waiting to enjoy life until the circumstances get better, until things change, until things are better. But I'm ignoring and missing out on all of the things that God has done for us that I should be so thankful for!

I am thankful for the circumstances that God has us in. Yes, Tim lost his job and yes, I don't always enjoy my job, and yes, we had to shell out a LOT of money to fight that stupid court thing, but in the midst of that, we are doing okay - more than okay.

God blessed us with apartment rent that is nearly half of what it normally goes for ($840 vs. $1300/month) so that even though Tim doesn't have a job, we can afford it with my salary. Moreover, we have a kitchen full of food. We can afford to have good, healthy (sometimes unhealthy lol) food that fills us up every day and we never need to skip a meal. I praise the Lord for that. I have also been blessed with a job that comes with a lot of benefits. Yes, it includes minimal health benefits (we'll probably just stick to our private insurance), but it comes with a lot of benefits like free gym membership, reduced massage therapy prices, etc...etc... Our office knows how to make connections with the community and in turn the employees get to reap the benefits.

God has also blessed me with a husband who is not lazy in any way, shape or form. Since he's been laid off, he's been working harder than me! He hasn't wasted a second by sitting on the couch doing nothing - he has picked up odd jobs and already he seems to be making more money than me on a daily basis!

And while I am frustrated with the lack of "direction" in our life right now, I really have nothing to be frustrated about. God has us in a position right now where we have choices! Right now (although things can always change), Tim can choose to work for his uncle while going to school at CWU online to pursue an ITAM degree, he can pursue going to the firefighter academy, or even pursue becoming an air traffic controller. Yes, each of those come with sacrifices, but fortunately God has us in a place where we can have time to figure out what to do. We are newly married, no kids, and we are young.

In the midst of all of this, sometimes I feel like this is all too big for me. I am so small and everything that we are up against is so big. Yes we have a lot to be thankful for and so much blessing in our lives, I still feel like we cannot go at this alone. But I think that is also something to me thankful for. God has blessed us with much but also wants us to cling to Him for our strength. We cannot be so full of ourselves and confident in ourselves that we don't need Him. As we know, and so many others do, things can change in an instant. One day Tim had a job, the next day he didn't. One day we thought we were going to live in Kent, then next we signed a lease in Bellevue. God is the only constant in our lives and I can only be thankful.

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