Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear Gerald

Dear Gerald,

I have never met you, but I have heard a lot about you. You are a newly admitted resident at my husband's work (nursing home) and I have been praying for you. Just a few weeks ago you met my husband when, out of God's providential grace, you decided to switch lunch tables to hear more about the conversation my husband was having with another Christian lady about Jesus.

You had a lot of questions, honest questions. Tim said it sounded as though you had never even heard about God and Jesus, as though your eyes were being opened for the first time. One question I found humorous was when you asked with concern, "If I become a Christian, will I have to vote Republican?". No, Gerald, you won't. And at 92, being politically active is clearly something you still care about. You don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, so 2012 better watch out.

I am so overjoyed and excited when Tim called me this afternoon to let me know that you had made the decision to follow Christ. You may not realize this, but God is celebrating and rejoicing over you right now! One of His children has come back to Him! The Bible says that God would leave 99 of his 'sheep' to find the 1 that was lost. You were lost, but now you are found! God and his angels are partying it up right now because you are deeply loved and pursued!

I think as time goes on you may develop questions [How easy it is to just cling to Jesus in the beginning and then doubts, guilt, and worry fill our minds]. You may even regret choices you made in the past, the fact that you went 92 years without Jesus, without truly living. But take heart friend, Jesus has already rescued you. His blood has covered your sins and you are forgiven. You may not have had much time in this lifetime to spend with God, but you have an eternity where you get to spend it praising Jesus and getting to know Him better. It is never too late.

But know this - as a Christian, you are a new creation! "If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17. This means that now there are new things that are true of you:

-You are fiercely loved by God. "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you, I will sustain you and I will rescue you" -Isaiah 46:4
-You have been adopted into God's family! You are a "child born not of natural descent, nor of human decision, or a husbands will,  but born of God." - John 1:13
-Your future is secure - your treasure is now in Heaven.
-Even though you are in a nursing home, you life is now given adventure, love, purpose, and meaning. I say that because just because you are in a nursing home doesn't mean your life is over, but it is just beginning!
-Your life is hidden with Christ - He has covered you and your sins are forgiven.
-You can delight yourself in God!
-You are free!

My prayer is that you would enjoy your relationship with God, let Him delight in you, and continue to soak up his ever word. No matter how much time God gives you, never lose your first love - Jesus. Writing this to you has been healing, and convicting for me, as I have struggled with losing my first love as I get distracted by so many things that never compare to the surpassing greatness of getting to know Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus is precious, and my prayer is that you would experience it to the fullest.

Your sister in Christ,


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